Bridge Embedded Constants

Bridge constants are hard coded into the embedded.go file as network constants.

  • InitialBridgeAdministrator is the hard-coded address for the administration module, managed by the maintainers of the codebase as Address

  • MaximumFee is the maximum fee for a wrap request as uint32; equivalent to 100% fee

  • MinUnhaltDurationInMomentums is the minimum amount of time, measured in momentums, until the bridge functionality is restored from a halted state as uint64

  • MinAdministratorDelay is the minimum delay required by the time challenge for admin operations as uint64

  • MinSoftDelay is the minimum delay required by time challenge for all operations excluding the admin and the guardians as uint64

  • MinGuardians is the minimum number of guardians required for the bridge to become operational as unit32

  • DecompressedECDSAPubKeyLength is the size of the decompressed ECDSA public key in bytes

  • CompressedECDSAPubKeyLengthis the size of the compressed ECDSA public key in bytes

  • ECDSASignatureLength is the size of the ECDSA signature in bytes

  • EdDSAPubKeyLength is the size of the EdDSA public key in bytes

InitialBridgeAdministrator   = types.ParseAddressPanic("z1qz8q0x3rs36z2kw8eltf8r323hlcn64jnujkuz")
MaximumFee                   = uint32(10000)
MinUnhaltDurationInMomentums = uint64(6 * MomentumsPerHour) //main net
MinAdministratorDelay        = uint64(2 * MomentumsPerEpoch) // main net
MinSoftDelay                 = uint64(MomentumsPerEpoch)     // main net
MinGuardians                 = 5
DecompressedECDSAPubKeyLength = 65
CompressedECDSAPubKeyLength   = 33
ECDSASignatureLength          = 65
EdDSAPubKeyLength             = 32