Orchestrator Layer

The purpose of the Orchestrator Layer is to assure the off-chain communication and TSS signing of wrap and unwrap requests for the integrated networks.

OS support

Currently only Linux based operating systems are supported. This is due to the fact that Pillar nodes already running on public infrastructure have dedicated support for Linux based operating systems.


Data directory

  • DefaultDataDir is the default data directory for the orchestrator node located at ~/.orchestrator

  • orchestrator is executable file of the Orchestrator node

  • config.json is the configuration file


Producer key

The Pillar operator must set his producer keyStore in ~/.orchestrator and provide the name and passphrase in config.json

After the first run, in config.json, from producer key an EVM address will automatically get generated and the field evmAddress will be populated.

IMPORTANT: An ETH deposit is mandatory for the generated evmAddress that will be used as gas in case a halt transaction is necessary to be performed on-chain.


IMPORTANT: The Pillar operator must backup the ~/.orchestrator/tss folder containing the generated TSS shard in case a hardware failure occurs. Without it, the node can no longer participate in the keysign ceremonies, until it participates in another successful keygen ceremony.


The default port is 55055.

If you start with the default ports, please make sure that they are not occupied by other programs or blocked by the firewall.

netstat -nlp | grep 55055 

Install from source

Go 1.20 or later is required. Check the Go documentation for more info.

go env

Build from source:

go build --ldflags '-extldflags "-Wl,--allow-multiple-definition"' -o ./orchestrator

orchestrator service:

// todo