Liquidity Embedded Constants

Liquidity constants are hard coded into the embedded.go file as network constants.

  • LiquidityZnnTotalPercentages represent the maximum sum for the ZNN percentage rewards of each allowed ZTS

  • LiquidityQsrTotalPercentages represent the maximum sum for the QSR percentage rewards of each allowed ZTS

  • LiquidityStakeWeights represent the liquidity staking weights depending on the number of months a user locks the liquidity

    LiquidityZnnTotalPercentages         uint32 = 10000
    LiquidityQsrTotalPercentages         uint32 = 10000
    LiquidityStakeWeights                       = []int64{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,